Emanuele Buono



Emanuele Buono, nato a Torino nel 1987 è oggi annoverato tra i migliori chitarristi italiani sulla scena internazionale. Inizia lo studio della chitarra all'età di soli cinque anni sotto la guida del padre e nel 1996, a soli nove anni, viene ammesso al Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Milano. Dopo essersi diplomato al Conservatorio con il massimo dei voti e la lode a soli diciotto anni, decidedi perfezionarsi all'Accademia “Chigiana” di Siena, ottenendo per ben due volte il diploma di merito.
Allo stesso tempo ottiene con il massimo dei voti il diploma triennale di perfezionamento rilasciato dall'Accademia “F. Tarrega” di Pordenone. Nel 2008 riceve nell'ambito del XIII Convegno Internazionale di Alessandria il prestigioso riconoscimento “La chitarra d'oro” quale miglior giovane concertista dell'anno. Emanuele Buono ha ottenuto più di quaranta premi in concorsi nazionali e internazionali: tra i più importanti spicca il primo premio al prestigioso Parkening International Competition (Malibu, USA), dove ha ricevuto la medaglia d'oro con decisione unanime della giuria composta da alcune celebrità del panorama chitarristico tra cui Manuel Barrueco. Dopo aver trionfato nelle più rilevanti competizioni internazionali (“Alhambra” di Valencia, Spalato, Gargnano, “Fernando Sor” di Roma, GSD di Madrid, “Ruggero Chiesa” di Camogli) ottiene il primo premio allo storico Concorso “Pittaluga” di Alessandria, membro della WFIMC (federazione mondiale dei concorsi internazionali di musica) di Ginevra e altresì riceve il primo premio al Concorso Biasini organizzato dalla Musik Akademie di Basilea. In seguito a questi prestigiosi riconoscimenti ha ricevuto due contratti discografici per incidere con “Brilliant Classics” e “Naxos”.
A partire dal 2010 debutta in veste di solista nelle più famose sale da concerto (Konzerthaus di Vienna, Carnegie Hall di New York, Sala de Falla di Madrid, Teatro dell'Hermitage di San Pietroburgo, Lysenko Hall di Kiev, Stadtcasino di Basilea, riscuotendo un successo tale da essere invitato nuovamente nei più prestigiosi festival musicali.


Emanuele Buono has established himself as a musician with unique musical and technical ability to make the classical guitar sing. His full technical mastery combined with high musical sensibility are consistently praised around the globe by the press following his performances and has earned him the respect of the most prominent guitarists today. His latest recording on Naxos was American Record Guide’s Critic’s Choice Award winner.
Emanuele’s journey into the international concert scene started with the XIII International Guitar Competition and Festival of Alessandria (Italy) in 2008, where he was awarded the prestigious Golden Guitar as the best young concert-player of the year. In 2009, he won the Gold Medal at the prestigious International Christopher Parkening Competition (Malibu, USA) by unanimous decision of the jury and became the youngest winner in the competition’s history.
Mr. Buono has been awarded numerous First Prize and top prizes at important competitions including Gargnano (Italy, 2008), Ruggero Chiesa of Camogli (Italy, 2008), Split (Croatia, 2009), Fernando Sor of Rome (Italy, 2010), Alhambra of Valencia (Spain, 2012), Gredos San Diego of Madrid (Spain, 2013), Biasini of Basel (Switzerland, 2013), and Michele Pittaluga of Alessandria (Italy, 2013). These resulted in an invitation to record for Naxos and Brilliant Classics and to make his debut at D’Addario Performance Series at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Hall (New York) in 2014. He has also been invited to make his début in several major concert halls including the Konzerthaus in Vienna (Austria), Manuel de Falla Hall in Madrid (Spain), Hermitage Theatre in St. Petersburg (Russia), Lysenko Hall in Kiev (Ukraine), Stadtcasino in Basel (Switzerland), the International House of Music in Moscow (Russia), and to undertake concert tours at a number of renowned guitar Festivals in Europe and the United States.
Born in Turin, Italy in 1987, he began his studies when he was very young. At the age of eighteen, he was awarded a first class degree with honors at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan and later proceeded to further his studies at the Accademia Chigiana of Siena, where he obtained the certificate of merit twice in succession.




Saluzzo Musica Festival



Ars Nova Festival



Kitarika Festival

Koper, Slovenia


Guitar solo

Davos (Switzerland)


Sanremo Guitar Festival




Basel (Switzerland)


Esterhazy Palace

Eisenstadt, Austria


Lodi Guitar Festival


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“Emanuele Buono offers a recital impressive in scope and execution” 

The San Francisco Examiner
“Mr Buono…and his performance here is simply outstanding-technically impeccable, tasteful and exciting (two qualities not often found together), imaginative and moving.”

Kenneth Keaton,
American Record Guide

“Lodi is bewitched by Buono” 

Il Cittadino
“Emanuele Buono impresses with his full technical mastery combined with a high musical sensibility” 

Suonare News
“Emanuele shot fireworks at the Stadtcasino. People didn’t want to let him go”

Basler Zeitung


American Management:

Aranjuez Artists, Inc.
Telephone: 323.875.8008
Email: Sean@Aranjuez-Artists.com
Website: www.Aranjuez-Artists.com

Emanuele Buono: